Team Project | 8 Weeks | 2020
Project MOnACO is a project conducted by Autodesk with General Electric (GE) for which the main goal is improving the environmental impact of aeronautical technologies with a view, among other things, to develop a strong and globally competitive aeronautical industry in Europe. MOnACO implemented 3D metal printing on what will be known as the worlds largest jet engine. My part of the project involved the design of a flight critical engine component (~1m diameter) through the use of novel optimisation workflows.

As an intern I was tasked with creating a proof of concept conformal ribbing design on the external surface of an engine part. The workflow consisted of using multiple CAD programs and using basic topology generation to achieve the final result. Software such as Autodesk Fusion 360, Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Netfabb were used to create the pattern seen.​​​​​​​

3ds Max: Mesh generation

3ds Max: Topology pattern generation

Fusion 360: Surface lofts

3ds Max: Conformal ribbing pattern creation

Fusion 360: Conformal ribbing joining and combing

 Fusion 360: Rendering

The purpose of adding conformal ribbing to the part was to increase stability and structural stiffening, along with acting as a potential heat sink and for aesthetics. I was also able to present the final design and the design process to a substantial audience of Autodesk employees.

Engine part with conformal ribbing

Engine part without conformal ribbing

Original engine part before re-design

Software such as Autodesk Fusion 360, Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Netfabb were used to create the pattern seen.

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